Monday, December 31, 2012

Making Pencil Sketch Effect Using Photoshop

Making Pencil Sketch Effect Using Photoshop 

                  In this tutorial the conversion of a image to a pencil sketch will be discussed as follows :  

Previous Image : 

Final Image: 

1. Import the image ( open the image)
2. select the Background layer and press ctrl+j ( duplicate layer )
3. Now go to 
         image Menu -> Adjustments -> Desaturation
4.  select the  layer 1 and press ctrl+j 
5. Now go to 
         image Menu -> Adjustments -> Invert
6. now change the layer Blending form
          Normal -> color dodge
u will c a white screen ??
7. now go to Filter menu
           Filter -> Blur -> gaussian blur
           set the value for radius as 30.5 pixels
8. Press Ctrl+A  to select all then go to Edit Menu
             Edit -> Copy Merged 
             Edit -> paste
             this will be your new layer --> layer 2
thats it thumbs up 
save the file as jpeg or png

Video Tutorial For Making Pencil Sketch Effect

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